"We are
surprised and shocked that the president of the magistrates union, given the level of influence he has on his (judicial) colleagues, can publish in the press a call to not criminally sanction criminal acts, which contradicts the intentions of government bodies,"
Well, I started my new job. It's great. Adam needs to come out here. He'd be a shoe-in. I had a conversation today about ACPI, and all I could think of was: "Gee, I'll betchya Adam knows more about this stuff than I do." What a great place to work this is.
By the way, I placed 29806th in last Sunday's Bay To Breakers, coming in at a personal best time of 4:23:06. Expect photographs in the usual places shortly.
I'm running in
Bay to Breakers on Sunday! I'll be number 51170.
My Bad: The UK and the US have
Less Intergenerational Mobility than Europe in general, and Scandinavia in particular.
Peruse my flickr photographs via
my popular tags, and avoid the confusing clutter.
Whenever housing prices soar -- in Shanghai, San Francisco or Santiago --
experts wonder whether the cause is a speculative bubble that could eventually burst, causing widespread distress.
If you have access to the WSJ, read today's OP-Ed by Fania Oz-Salzberger "The Haifa and Bar Ilan Boycott".